Pray for Zambia

Pray for Dipalata Mission Hospital

Gospel for Zambia

Then He said to them, "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.   Luke 10:2


Begin and Continue with Prayer and the Word of God

Before the work began at Dipalata Mission, there was much toiling in prayer and searching the heart of God as to where James Geddis was going to serve his Lord and Saviour.


Dipalata Gospel Hall and other Zambia Assemblies

Dipalata Gospel Hall was started by Irish missionaries in the 1940's. After much evangelism, teaching and training it was eventually transitioned over to Zambian leadership.


How God's Word is Working in Dipalata Mission

After years of missionaries sowing the seed in the NorthWest Province of Zambia, Dipalata is ripe for the harvest. The people here are hungry to hear the gospel and desire solid biblical teaching.